Monday, August 17, 2009

Sand in My Toes

I found the secret to calming my energizer bunny (that would be Josh to all the pervs out there). Josh is a baby jacked up on battery juice in the afternoons, especially when he hasn't napped. You could almost see the excitement steaming out of his ears and jolting his limbs in every direction! I just didn't think it was possible for all that energy to fit in an 18-pound body.
But, lo and behold! Alas, I have found the secret to sanity! The golden nugget, the sacred treasure... you get my drift. On a recent trip to the beach, I spent the whole hour-long drive just dreading the inevitable scene that would follow:

1. Arrive at beach, but wait....

2. Drive car around beach 16 times to find parking spot; it turns out 27,487 other people had the same great idea for a nice beach day. who knew?

3. Stalk another mom with 4 kids, 2 strollers and a shit load of bags to her car, ask her if she's leaving and wait

4. Wait... wait... remember she had 4 kids, 2 strollers and God knows how many bags? oh, I think I even saw a dog and a bike in that mess too...

5. FINALLY! Mom-with-Shit-load-of-bags leaves parking spot. PHEW! Nope! Bastard in Mustang comes barrelling down the street hoping to steal this coveted spot.

6. Get in HONK fight with Bastard in Mustang... I WIN!

7. Now the fun really begins...

8. Josh has now realized the car has stopped: OMMMMGGG!!!

9. Hurry! Throw out the bags, fold out the stroller and quickly devise a plan to carry the beach chairs and umbrella all while driving the stroller one handed...

10. Meanwhile, entertaining a 10-month old who desperately needs a bottle and, no, he won't hold it either!

See the impending doom I was feeling in that car ride? Oh wait, this all actually happened! Silly me, I really thought I could escape it. Well, Mr. Cranky-pants-refuses-to-hold-bottle, neatly tucked into the stroller, is now throwing WORLD-CLASS FIT. I managed to walk the 4 blocks to the beach entrance, swerving a few cars along the way with the stroller, and even convinced a nasty-looking police officer to carry my beach chair for me across the street. I knew having a baby would have it's advantages! Somehow, people feel like they need to help the frazzled mom dragging the stroller, 3 bags, beach chair and umbrella. THANK YOU!

Well, I finally made it to the sand and something wonderful happened: Mr. Cranky-diapers was overcome by the sweet smell of Banana Boat air (or something. oh, who the hell cares, he was QUIET! and that's all that matters!) The power of the ocean sounds, seagull diving right for my head, the overflowing trashcans, pre-teens in thongs, boom-boxes blaring... could I possibly bottle this up and open up a can at home for future meltdowns? Josh was so calm the rest of the day- I really can't figure out what did it. He napped in the salty breeze, played with mama's nose (he's into pointing at things these days), and occasionally got his toes or fingers in the sand. The latter activity which prompted a squeal, yes, a SQUEAL from his cute little squishy face, followed by a big hug on mama's leg... close enough.

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